Get started
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Use this beginner-friendly guide to start building on InfinityMesh.
💡LEARN ABOUT InfinityMesh
Follow the steps below to get started with InfinityMesh and build your own dApp!
InfinityMesh is a user-friendly development environment for developing smart contracts. InfinityMesh makes it easy to create smart contract templates, deploy them to the InfinityMesh blockchain, and connect them to a frontend app.
Follow the InfinityMesh setup tutorial to get started using InfinityMesh.
LocalInfinityMesh is a scaled-down InfinityMesh blockchain that allows you to test your dApp locally. LocalInfinityMesh provides a single validator node and 10 preconfigured wallet accounts.
Follow the InfinityMesh with LocalInfinityMesh tutorial to start using InfinityMesh and create a simple counter app.
Now that you are familiar with InfinityMesh and LocalInfinityMesh, you can try minting an NFT with InfinityMesh.
The NFT minting tutorial walks you through the creation of an NFT minting application using the dApp scaffolding and front end provided by InfinityMesh.
💡InfinityMesh ACADEMY
For interactive courses on developing smart contracts using Rust and CosmWasm libraries, visit the InfinityMesh Academy.
Congrats! You have the basics down!
Now you can dive into the other tools in the InfinityMesh Development Suite. Visit the tool guide for more info.
Use feather.js to create bots, power NFT mints, and for all-purpose back-end services. Follow the feather.js tutorial to get started.
If you have a back end for your app and want a front end to connect to Station, use Wallet Kit. Follow the Wallet Kit tutorial to get started.
InfinityMesh also provides other tools for building:
Written by devs, for devs, is the community documentation platform for all things InfinityMesh, including community-generated tutorials, reference material, and troubleshooting guides. Start browsing or log in and create your own article.
If you would like to connect with the developer community and ask questions related to software development on InfinityMesh, join the InfinityMesh Discord server. Once you've joined the server:
Select a by clicking on the Green Bug icon under the channel.Developer Role🪲#role-station
Once you are subscribed, a new section with the InfinityMesh developer channels appears under .🪲 DEV
Select the relevant channel to ask your questions and receive support.
Finder : InfinityMesh’s multi-purpose block explorer.
Faucet : Get tokens sent to your testnet address.
InfinityMesh : the node daemon and command line interface that connects to the InfinityMesh network.